



Deguva - authorized representatives of GOK in Lithuania

Double steps regulators

For direct connection to a liquefied gas tank

Two steps regulators

For direct connection to a gas pressure tank and a device with a low pressure regulator installed before the entrance to the building

for industry

Liquefied gas pressure regulating systems for commercial and industrial use

Tank equipment + accessories

Filling, extraction of liquids and vapors, leveling, safety, monitoring, etc.

Small cylinders equipment

To continuously adjust the pressure of the gas cylinder according to the operating pressure

Large cylinders equipment

To continuously adjust the pressure of the gas cylinder according to the operating pressure

Accessories for balloon equipment

For installation in various balloon equipment. Automatic connections, pressure gauges with operation / backup display, selectors, etc.


For installation and installation in liquefied petroleum gas pipes

Testing equipment

For pressure, leakage, functional testing of LPG equipment

Security equipment

Help orient orientits and determine the ideal safety of your LPG equipment

Inlet connections


Output connectors


About „GOK“

Apie „GOK“ GOK is a German company leading the production of liquefied petroleum gas, diesel measurement and control technologies. The company offers the highest quality management systems, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. The products of this manufacturer are manufactured exclusively in Germany, using the company's long-term technological processes. GOK products are a guarantee of reliability, functionality, durability and security. We will provide all the necessary information in detail to mobile or we kindly invite you for an interview at our representative office in Kaunas, Raudondvario pl. 234.

Deguva - the official representative of the German gas equipment manufacturer GOK (GOK regler- und Armaturen GmbH & Co KG) in Lithuania - offers you only the highest quality gas appliances, gas equipment, tanks, monitoring and control systems using liquid and gaseous energy , range. Deguva engineers with special gas equipment licenses and certificates obtained during internships in Germany are ready to present and acquaint you with all the detailed information about the equipment of this manufacturer, its advantages and specifications.

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